There is a service available that can help gardeners across the country. However, many people don't know about the service, who to contact, or what they might expect. GardenSMART visits with an expert who fills us in on County Extension Agents. Tune in as we GardenSMART.
Our space for gardening is getting smaller - smaller lots, smaller homes. But that doesn't mean we can't garden, just that we need to approach it differently. GardenSMART visits with an expert who shows us her deck and how she gardens there. It's beautiful, and provides some great small space gardening ideas. Tune in as we GardenSMART.
GardenSMART visits a beautiful public garden and digs deeply into flowering plants, ranging from hydrangeas, to day lilies, to water plants. We focus on how to have success with these plants in our own garden. A lot to learn, tune in as we GardenSMART.
With a little planning, our gardens can have year-round interest. This gardener, rooted in horticulture, has put together a great collection of plants we should consider for extending the season. To learn more, tune in as we GardenSMART.
GardenSMART visits a collector's garden paradise, where we discuss new and exciting plants that may be perfect for your garden. Plus we provide great tips for care and maintenance to help make your garden perfect year round. A don't-miss show, tune in as we GardenSMART.
The plant world is constantly developing new, better plants. GardenSMART wondered how breeders develop these new varieties. So we visited a renowned breeder at his nursery. The detail and work involved in this process is fascinating. To learn more, tune in as we GardenSMART.
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