Sunday, February 9th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55


Monday, February 10th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Scaredy Dog/Say Goodnight, George

Scaredy Dog: Its time to store away some of George's toys in the basement, so George and Hundley venture into the deep downstairs - only to find themselves being scared off by a Big Creepy Noise they keep hearing. Where is it coming from? Could it be an evil robot... or a monster with a blender?! When even the Man and the Doorman get spooked, George and Hundley decide to be brave and use George's toy tape recorder and microphone to try and locate and de-code the sound. Will the terrified twosome ever find the source... or will the Noise find them first? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To explore how the volume and clarity of a sound may change depending on one's distance from the source of the sound, and/or by covering or muffling the sound (covering one's ears for example.) To introduce tools that are used to copy (tape player) or magnify (megaphone) sound. Say Goodnight, George: George is out playing ball when the Man with the Yellow Hat calls him in for bedtime. But who can sleep when the sun is still out? The Man explains that in spring there's more daylight, so it's lighter at bedtime. And when he shows George how to set a clock, George likes this idea so much he takes time into his own hands and changes the clocks to accommodate his monkey play schedule. But now the Man is always late to his appointments to meet Mr. Ruffweek, the blimp owner - and if George doesn't set time straight again the two may miss a fun opportunity of a lifetime. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To introduce the idea of increasing hours of daylight in summer months relative to winter months. To provide specific information about clocks as a way to measure time; how clock time can be adjusted, how alarms can be set, and different types of clocks.

Tuesday, February 11th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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Happy Valentine's Day, George!/Oh Deer

George wants to make his friends the best Valentine's Day card ever, but even with four paws, it takes a long time to create homemade cards for everyone. With a little help from sponge shapes, red paint, and a waffle iron, George creates the first ever monkey Valentine's Printing Press! When a hungry deer keeps nibbling on the flowers in George and Allie's garden, George uses all of his five senses to keep the deer out. But a scarecrow, loud noises, sticky tape, and stinky rotten eggs don't work, leaving George with one last sense -- taste! Will George's recipe keep the deer away or make them hungry for more?

Wednesday, February 12th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

A Bridge to Farm/Monkey Fever

A Bridge to Farm: When George sees six stranded chicks on an island in a pond it's monkey to the rescue! George tries out several plans. Floating on his back as a monkey life raft is only temporarily successful so George looks for design inspiration in the local railroad and truss bridges. Using marshmallows, toothpicks and playing cards George constructs and then reconstructs a bridge strong enough to support one, then two, and then all six loud peeping chicks - and even the Mother Hen! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To show that structures are made up of parts. Monkey Fever: The Man with the Yellow Hat always takes such good care of George, so when the Man comes down with a terrible case of the sniffles, George wants to return the favor. But how? He decides to try his own brand of monkey medicine to nurse the Man back to health, including setting up the bedroom like a real hospital, feeding the Man's cold and starving his fever, and even playing an impromptu game of charades with the pharmacist to get the proper cold medicine. But as George plays doctor for a day, he notices that the Man's symptoms are peculiarly close to those of Betsy's cat, the new mother of five kittens. Could the Man's illness mean he's anticipating feline fatherhood? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To illustrate what it's like to be sick with a cold and some ways to take healthy care of yourself when you are sick; get rest, drink fluids, eat healthy food and, if needed, take medicine. To introduce some doctor's tools like thermometers and stethoscopes.

Thursday, February 13th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Bee Like Me/tTo The Lighthouse!

Friday, February 14th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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Happy Valentine's Day, George!/Oh Deer

George wants to make his friends the best Valentine's Day card ever, but even with four paws, it takes a long time to create homemade cards for everyone. With a little help from sponge shapes, red paint, and a waffle iron, George creates the first ever monkey Valentine's Printing Press! When a hungry deer keeps nibbling on the flowers in George and Allie's garden, George uses all of his five senses to keep the deer out. But a scarecrow, loud noises, sticky tape, and stinky rotten eggs don't work, leaving George with one last sense -- taste! Will George's recipe keep the deer away or make them hungry for more?

Saturday, February 15th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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Happy Valentine's Day, George!/Oh Deer

George wants to make his friends the best Valentine's Day card ever, but even with four paws, it takes a long time to create homemade cards for everyone. With a little help from sponge shapes, red paint, and a waffle iron, George creates the first ever monkey Valentine's Printing Press! When a hungry deer keeps nibbling on the flowers in George and Allie's garden, George uses all of his five senses to keep the deer out. But a scarecrow, loud noises, sticky tape, and stinky rotten eggs don't work, leaving George with one last sense -- taste! Will George's recipe keep the deer away or make them hungry for more?

Sunday, February 16th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

A Bridge to Farm/Monkey Fever

A Bridge to Farm: When George sees six stranded chicks on an island in a pond it's monkey to the rescue! George tries out several plans. Floating on his back as a monkey life raft is only temporarily successful so George looks for design inspiration in the local railroad and truss bridges. Using marshmallows, toothpicks and playing cards George constructs and then reconstructs a bridge strong enough to support one, then two, and then all six loud peeping chicks - and even the Mother Hen! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To show that structures are made up of parts. Monkey Fever: The Man with the Yellow Hat always takes such good care of George, so when the Man comes down with a terrible case of the sniffles, George wants to return the favor. But how? He decides to try his own brand of monkey medicine to nurse the Man back to health, including setting up the bedroom like a real hospital, feeding the Man's cold and starving his fever, and even playing an impromptu game of charades with the pharmacist to get the proper cold medicine. But as George plays doctor for a day, he notices that the Man's symptoms are peculiarly close to those of Betsy's cat, the new mother of five kittens. Could the Man's illness mean he's anticipating feline fatherhood? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To illustrate what it's like to be sick with a cold and some ways to take healthy care of yourself when you are sick; get rest, drink fluids, eat healthy food and, if needed, take medicine. To introduce some doctor's tools like thermometers and stethoscopes.

Monday, February 17th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Spelunky Monkey/The Dive-In Movie

Tuesday, February 18th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George, Spy Monkey/Castle Keep

Curious George, Spy Monkey: Nothing is more fun for George than reading his spy book "Double-Oh Doggy." Unless of course he can become a real Double-Oh Monkey! George goes undercover and follows the Man with the Yellow Hat, trying to solve the mystery of what surprise the Man is going to buy for George. But in order to stay completely hidden George needs proper spy gear like "Double-Oh Doggy. " So using recycled materials from home, George builds his very own periscope. George can now stay hidden from the Man as he trails him around town - but will the ever eager Charkie blow his cover? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To learn how mirrors can work as tools. Castle Keep: While George practices his golf swing, Bill shows him how a little leverage can send the ball high in the air - much to the dislike of Jumpy Squirrel in the tree! So when George and the Man with the Yellow Hat visit Uncle Tam in Scotland, George is very happy to be able to practice his swing at the Castle Golf Course. But then a pesky squirrel steals his ball and runs off, and George is sent on a wild chase throughout the castle. Luckily, he remembers the principle of leverage, and he's able to pry open windows, pull book cases, spin wheels to lower a bridge and ultimately accomplish the perfect swing not only to retrieve his ball, but to uncover a special family document that will keep the castle in the family's possession. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To show how leverage (the action of a lever pivoting about a point) works.

Wednesday, February 19th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Twain A Fence and a Hard Place/Loafing Around

Thursday, February 20th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Robot Monkey Hullabalo/Curious George and the Slithery Day

Robot Monkey Hullabalo: At the museum, George joins Professor Wiseman and the Man with the Yellow Hat on a stroll through an amazing new robot exhibit. Later, after the Man gathers his old robots to add to the collection, George notices how excited Hundley is by his first robot sighting. That's when George gets his most brainy brainstorm yet and decides to make himself into a robot to play with Hundley! Using a hodgepodge of paper, tubes, cardboard boxes, gadgets and even a colander, George glues together an awesome robot outfit that works a little too well and fools even the sharp-witted Professor Wiseman. Will George end up on display at the museum? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To build or construct a structure using the design process and found objects. Curious George and the Slithery Day: George is watching and feeding Mr. Zoobel's gopher snake, Bruno, and mice, Benjy and Willie, for the day. But Mr. Zoobel forgets to tell George that Bruno is about to shed his skin. So when George sees the shed skin he worriedly takes it to the pet store for an explanation, leaving behind the snake with his cage open! And when George comes home the mice escape too. With a little help from Hundley, a wild chase around the building ensues and George gets the animals safely back - learning a lot about snake feeding (and hiding) habits along the way. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To provide information about snakes as one type of animal; what it eats, where and how it lives, and some behaviors; the predator/prey relationship. To introduce the idea of habitat.

Friday, February 21st

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Basic Training/A Wind-Er Wonderland

Saturday, February 22nd

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George, Spy Monkey/Castle Keep

Curious George, Spy Monkey: Nothing is more fun for George than reading his spy book "Double-Oh Doggy." Unless of course he can become a real Double-Oh Monkey! George goes undercover and follows the Man with the Yellow Hat, trying to solve the mystery of what surprise the Man is going to buy for George. But in order to stay completely hidden George needs proper spy gear like "Double-Oh Doggy. " So using recycled materials from home, George builds his very own periscope. George can now stay hidden from the Man as he trails him around town - but will the ever eager Charkie blow his cover? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To learn how mirrors can work as tools. Castle Keep: While George practices his golf swing, Bill shows him how a little leverage can send the ball high in the air - much to the dislike of Jumpy Squirrel in the tree! So when George and the Man with the Yellow Hat visit Uncle Tam in Scotland, George is very happy to be able to practice his swing at the Castle Golf Course. But then a pesky squirrel steals his ball and runs off, and George is sent on a wild chase throughout the castle. Luckily, he remembers the principle of leverage, and he's able to pry open windows, pull book cases, spin wheels to lower a bridge and ultimately accomplish the perfect swing not only to retrieve his ball, but to uncover a special family document that will keep the castle in the family's possession. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To show how leverage (the action of a lever pivoting about a point) works.

Sunday, February 23rd

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Robot Monkey Hullabalo/Curious George and the Slithery Day

Robot Monkey Hullabalo: At the museum, George joins Professor Wiseman and the Man with the Yellow Hat on a stroll through an amazing new robot exhibit. Later, after the Man gathers his old robots to add to the collection, George notices how excited Hundley is by his first robot sighting. That's when George gets his most brainy brainstorm yet and decides to make himself into a robot to play with Hundley! Using a hodgepodge of paper, tubes, cardboard boxes, gadgets and even a colander, George glues together an awesome robot outfit that works a little too well and fools even the sharp-witted Professor Wiseman. Will George end up on display at the museum? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To build or construct a structure using the design process and found objects. Curious George and the Slithery Day: George is watching and feeding Mr. Zoobel's gopher snake, Bruno, and mice, Benjy and Willie, for the day. But Mr. Zoobel forgets to tell George that Bruno is about to shed his skin. So when George sees the shed skin he worriedly takes it to the pet store for an explanation, leaving behind the snake with his cage open! And when George comes home the mice escape too. With a little help from Hundley, a wild chase around the building ensues and George gets the animals safely back - learning a lot about snake feeding (and hiding) habits along the way. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To provide information about snakes as one type of animal; what it eats, where and how it lives, and some behaviors; the predator/prey relationship. To introduce the idea of habitat.

Tuesday, February 25th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

George's Little Library/Monkey's of a Feather

Wednesday, February 26th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George, Web Master/The Big Sleepy

Curious George, Web Master: While repainting the Endless Park statue for City Heritage Week, the Man's Yellow Hat blows away. While George races to recover his friend's treasure he stumbles across another - an elaborately spun spider web! Can a monkey become a web spinner and catch whatever he wants? George wants to try and he uses thread, rubber bands, tape and twine to create his own traps. The big test of his web spinning skills, however, comes back at the Park when stormy weather threatens both the Man's newly painted statue and the spider webs that inspired his web building in the first place. Can George find a way to use tarp and trees and become a true web master? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To show that humans often take ideas observed in nature and use them to develop products to meet their needs and wants. The Big Sleepy: Bill and George go fishing on a brisk fall day. Noticing that George is cold, Bill explains that if George were a bear he'd be able to hibernate - and thus skip the cold and sleep through the winter. George thinks this is a great idea! So he prepares for his own hibernation by eating everything in the house and decorating his room to resemble a dark cave to keep out all the light. But why isn't he tired? Maybe he could get to sleep if he could block out the noises, too. George discovers that pillows and extra blankets might be able to muffle animal noises, but what could possibly block out the Man with the Yellow Hat's tuba sound? EDUCATIONAL OBJECITVE: To explore various materials and their properties in order to block out light and sound from a room. To introduce the idea of hibernation.

Thursday, February 27th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Plastics!/Hide and Go Sheep

Friday, February 28th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George Sinks The Pirates/This Little Pig

Curious George Sinks the Pirates / This Little Piggy Curious George Sinks the Pirates: Hundley, the proud lobby dachshund, is also quite the boats-dog and longs to set sail on the ocean blue. Hundley's dream becomes "reality" one night when he dozes off to sleep - and into a big maritime adventure. Aboard the S.S. Dignified, the most orderly ship to ever set sail, Captain Hundley and his crew - Gnocchi, Charkie, and First Mate George - gear up for a watery quest. Yet it's not exactly smooth sailing when Yellow Hat the Pirate and his crew attempt to take control of the vessel (Arrr!) and his own First Mate almost sinks the ship! Can Captain Hundley stay dignified and save the day? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To introduce the idea of sinking and floating. This Little Piggy: For George, Dulson's Toy Store is irresistible, especially since it's where he finds the sailboat of his dreams. But he learns that the boat costs five dollars - and now exactly 500 pennies stand between George and his big dream! After scouring his room and his penny reserve George comes up short, but then sets out to earn the rest of the money by doing everything from house chores to harmonica performances. The Man with the Yellow Hat gives George a special piggy bank in which to store his new savings - and, if George can only find a way to break open the bank to retrieve his funds, he'll discover that 100 nickels saved is indeed one sailboat earned. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To understand the value of coins.

Saturday, March 1st

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George, Web Master/The Big Sleepy

Curious George, Web Master: While repainting the Endless Park statue for City Heritage Week, the Man's Yellow Hat blows away. While George races to recover his friend's treasure he stumbles across another - an elaborately spun spider web! Can a monkey become a web spinner and catch whatever he wants? George wants to try and he uses thread, rubber bands, tape and twine to create his own traps. The big test of his web spinning skills, however, comes back at the Park when stormy weather threatens both the Man's newly painted statue and the spider webs that inspired his web building in the first place. Can George find a way to use tarp and trees and become a true web master? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To show that humans often take ideas observed in nature and use them to develop products to meet their needs and wants. The Big Sleepy: Bill and George go fishing on a brisk fall day. Noticing that George is cold, Bill explains that if George were a bear he'd be able to hibernate - and thus skip the cold and sleep through the winter. George thinks this is a great idea! So he prepares for his own hibernation by eating everything in the house and decorating his room to resemble a dark cave to keep out all the light. But why isn't he tired? Maybe he could get to sleep if he could block out the noises, too. George discovers that pillows and extra blankets might be able to muffle animal noises, but what could possibly block out the Man with the Yellow Hat's tuba sound? EDUCATIONAL OBJECITVE: To explore various materials and their properties in order to block out light and sound from a room. To introduce the idea of hibernation.

Sunday, March 2nd

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George Sinks The Pirates/This Little Pig

Curious George Sinks the Pirates / This Little Piggy Curious George Sinks the Pirates: Hundley, the proud lobby dachshund, is also quite the boats-dog and longs to set sail on the ocean blue. Hundley's dream becomes "reality" one night when he dozes off to sleep - and into a big maritime adventure. Aboard the S.S. Dignified, the most orderly ship to ever set sail, Captain Hundley and his crew - Gnocchi, Charkie, and First Mate George - gear up for a watery quest. Yet it's not exactly smooth sailing when Yellow Hat the Pirate and his crew attempt to take control of the vessel (Arrr!) and his own First Mate almost sinks the ship! Can Captain Hundley stay dignified and save the day? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To introduce the idea of sinking and floating. This Little Piggy: For George, Dulson's Toy Store is irresistible, especially since it's where he finds the sailboat of his dreams. But he learns that the boat costs five dollars - and now exactly 500 pennies stand between George and his big dream! After scouring his room and his penny reserve George comes up short, but then sets out to earn the rest of the money by doing everything from house chores to harmonica performances. The Man with the Yellow Hat gives George a special piggy bank in which to store his new savings - and, if George can only find a way to break open the bank to retrieve his funds, he'll discover that 100 nickels saved is indeed one sailboat earned. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To understand the value of coins.

Monday, March 3rd

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

George Makes Pizza/Ladybugs!

Tuesday, March 4th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George Flies A Kite/from Scratch

Curious George Flies a Kite - A gusty morning at the country house leads George to experiment with aerodynamics. In the wind, birds soar, ping-pong balls roll, and bricks don't move at all. But the best thing of all for a windy day is a kite. George, with the not-so-willing assistance of Jumpy Squirrel, discovers the wonders and the perils of kite flying. From Scratch - Gnocchi, the cat, is accused of scratching the booths in Chef Pisghetti's restaurant. To prove Gnocchi's innocence (and eat cannoli), George decides to mount an investigation. Using his scientific inquiry skills, he observes the differences between the scratches Gnocchi makes with her claws and the scratches left on the booth and shows that his friend was wrongfully accused.

Wednesday, March 5th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Mush!/Puppets in the Park

Thursday, March 6th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Free Hundley/Bag Monkey

Free Hundley: If there ever was a dignified dog, it was Hundley. But once flea season begins Hundley's dignity goes right out the window - right along with his collar! - which lands him in the local pet shelter. While a caring stranger and friendly shelter director make Hundley a new home, George, Gnocchi and Charkie join forces to try and rescue the dapper dachshund and return him to his old life. Will the furry crew be able to follow an organized plan and free their friend - or will the trio find themselves under lock and key right along with Hundley? Bag Monkey: Just putting his toys away in an organized manner is a challenge for George - so he faces an incredible test when he represents the City Grocer in the local "Bag Olympics" for bagging groceries! Toys are one thing, but fitting canned ham, eggs and paper towels neatly into the same bag may prove too tall an order - especially with the overly confident Rodney from Large Mart packing in the next corner. But then again, if George can practice at home by fitting together the shapes of his stuffed camel and muscle man together, what's a little salami and cheese?

Friday, March 7th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Water Ski-Daddle/The Greenhouse Effect

Sunday, March 9th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Free Hundley/Bag Monkey

Free Hundley: If there ever was a dignified dog, it was Hundley. But once flea season begins Hundley's dignity goes right out the window - right along with his collar! - which lands him in the local pet shelter. While a caring stranger and friendly shelter director make Hundley a new home, George, Gnocchi and Charkie join forces to try and rescue the dapper dachshund and return him to his old life. Will the furry crew be able to follow an organized plan and free their friend - or will the trio find themselves under lock and key right along with Hundley? Bag Monkey: Just putting his toys away in an organized manner is a challenge for George - so he faces an incredible test when he represents the City Grocer in the local "Bag Olympics" for bagging groceries! Toys are one thing, but fitting canned ham, eggs and paper towels neatly into the same bag may prove too tall an order - especially with the overly confident Rodney from Large Mart packing in the next corner. But then again, if George can practice at home by fitting together the shapes of his stuffed camel and muscle man together, what's a little salami and cheese?

Monday, March 10th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

A Pig, A Pup, and a Monkey/Y'orchid-Ing Me?

Tuesday, March 11th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

King Doggie/The Lucky Cap

King Doggie: When a limo pulls up to the doorman's lobby, the Princess of Bratvia steps out and scoops up Hundley, claiming that he is in fact a Royal Doggie! To verify this, the Princess's Aide measures him and sure enough, Hundley's head is three buckles high, his body is four stripes long and, most importantly, he has the purple mark of Bratvian royalty on his proud chest. So her Highness takes Hundley, a.k.a Barkington the Fifteenth, off to his new palace but soon the princely pup grows weary of luxury and longs for his old lobby. So it's up to his friend George to help convince the royals that Hundley, although very dignified, is just a regular dog of the people. True, Hundley's precise measurements are indeed those of a King Doggie - but could the leftover grape jelly on his chest be a clue to his real identity? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To understand how to use non standard units of measurement. The Lucky Cap: George's day goes from bad to worse. He spills a bowl of milk, gets caught in a torrential downpour, and just can't get past that seven square in hopscotch. But then the Man with the Yellow Hat gives George a new cap, and the moment George puts it on his misfortunes turn into windfalls - he finds a shiny quarter, gets a free shopping spree at Dolson's toy store, and wins his first hopscotch game ever! When the Man washes the hat, however, George's bad luck returns - it's shrunk so small that it barely fits on his head! Without the hat, George needs to figure out how to count to 25 in order to win Steve's Ultra Extreme Hopscotch Challenge. Will George discover that brainpower is a force more powerful than luck? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To learn to count from 1 to 22. To learn to count back from 5 to 1.

Wednesday, March 12th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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Curious George's Home for Pigeons/Out of Order

Curious George's Home for Pigeons - Compass may be a homing pigeon but sometimes he has trouble finding his way home. George decides to make him a place to stay on their balcony. After much experimentation, George creates a tree that The Man with the Yellow Hat might not recognize but in Compass's eyes is the perfect pigeon perch. Out of Order - When George sees a very nice lady leaving packages behind everywhere she goes, he figures she must be very forgetful. He decides to be helpful by gathering up all the packages for her. When Betsy explains to George that the nice lady is actually the mail carrier, they have to figure out a system to match the packages up with the correct address and return them fast!

Thursday, March 13th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Raisins!/A Bedtime Story for Compass

Friday, March 14th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Monkey Stagehand/Magic Garden

Monkey Stagehand: Bill needs some help behind the scenes of the town talent show and George happily volunteers. So Bill shows George the ropes, literally, and the two friends practice working the pulleys that control the curtains and scenery, and the levers for the stage trapdoors. After a few mishaps in rehearsal George takes extra care and practice in preparing for the show, and on the big night everything goes smoothly - until Bill falls through a trap door and ends up beneath the stage, leaving George alone! But knowing that the show must go on, George gathers up his courage, ingenuity - and all his hands and feet! - to prove that he's an outstanding stagehand after all. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that systems have parts or components that work together to accomplish a goal. Magic Garden: Chef Pisghetti is running low on fresh vegetables and George tries to help by weeding the Chef's rooftop garden. George doesn't know greenery, however, and ends up pulling out all of the vegetables right along with the weeds! Now the Chef must replant everything and wait for the vegetables to grow. But George doesn't want Chef Pisghetti to have to close the restaurant, so he replaces the seeds with vegetables from his refrigerator at home. Will the Chef discover that what made his garden grow overnight wasn't in fact magic fertilizer - but a hairy elf? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To understand that the vegetables we eat are parts of plants and that plants may be cultivated for this purpose. To understand that plants are living things, and as such have survival needs like water, nutrients, and sun in order to grow and reproduce. To identify seeds as one way in which plants reproduce, that seed-bearing plants produce their own seeds, and to discover that the seeds from a plant will always grow into adult plants resembling the parent.

Saturday, March 15th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

King Doggie/The Lucky Cap

King Doggie: When a limo pulls up to the doorman's lobby, the Princess of Bratvia steps out and scoops up Hundley, claiming that he is in fact a Royal Doggie! To verify this, the Princess's Aide measures him and sure enough, Hundley's head is three buckles high, his body is four stripes long and, most importantly, he has the purple mark of Bratvian royalty on his proud chest. So her Highness takes Hundley, a.k.a Barkington the Fifteenth, off to his new palace but soon the princely pup grows weary of luxury and longs for his old lobby. So it's up to his friend George to help convince the royals that Hundley, although very dignified, is just a regular dog of the people. True, Hundley's precise measurements are indeed those of a King Doggie - but could the leftover grape jelly on his chest be a clue to his real identity? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To understand how to use non standard units of measurement. The Lucky Cap: George's day goes from bad to worse. He spills a bowl of milk, gets caught in a torrential downpour, and just can't get past that seven square in hopscotch. But then the Man with the Yellow Hat gives George a new cap, and the moment George puts it on his misfortunes turn into windfalls - he finds a shiny quarter, gets a free shopping spree at Dolson's toy store, and wins his first hopscotch game ever! When the Man washes the hat, however, George's bad luck returns - it's shrunk so small that it barely fits on his head! Without the hat, George needs to figure out how to count to 25 in order to win Steve's Ultra Extreme Hopscotch Challenge. Will George discover that brainpower is a force more powerful than luck? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To learn to count from 1 to 22. To learn to count back from 5 to 1.

Sunday, March 16th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Raisins!/A Bedtime Story for Compass

Monday, March 17th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Monkey Hill/Ready, Set, Flamin-Go!

Tuesday, March 18th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Swimspiration/Museum of George

Wednesday, March 19th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George, Sea Monkey/Old Mcgeorgie Had A Farm

Curious George, Sea Monkey: George and the Man with the Yellow Hat are overjoyed when Professors Wiseman, Einstein and Pizza invite them onto a submarine trip to retrieve a small weather satellite that crashed from space. Their first underwater adventure! Along the ocean floor, George and the crew locate the satellite - but a gigantic coral reef stands in the way of its recovery and the only way to get to it is through a tiny tunnel traversable only by a certain monkey. So, clad in a scuba outfit equipped with a camera and microphone, George investigates the wild, world of life in a limestone coral reef. George is thrilled with all the colorful sights and sea-life and even makes a few fishy pals - but will the school of small coral sharks he encounters be as friendly? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To understand that coral reefs are made up of many living creatures. Old McGeorgie Had a Farm: Oscar, the Renkin's prize pig, is in the State Finals but a disappointed Mr. Renkins is too busy with the farm to attend the big fair. Enter George and the Man with the Yellow Hat who volunteer to take over his work and save the day! All they have to remember is to collect exactly one gallon of milk from Leslie the cow and divide that gallon into four one-quart bottles, gather a dozen eggs for each carton, and keep track of exactly 6 hens, 8 chicks and 1 rooster. Cinchy! Except that George forgets the most important thing of all - the correct side on which to milk the cow. So a spooked Leslie starts a chain of chaos that has George and the Man scrambling to track down all their charges and stop bedlam in the barnyard. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To introduce standard units of measurement.

Thursday, March 20th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Zeros to Donuts/Curious George, Stain Remover

Zeros to Donuts - When George learns about the meaning and power of zero, he is ready to test out his knowledge. The perfect opportunity arises when he's sent to the donut shop for one dozen donuts. But when he adds a couple of zeros, he's surprised to find out he gets one hundred dozen. Now he has to figure out what to do with all those extra donuts before The Man with the Yellow Hat notices. Curious George, Stain Remover - George spills grape juice on the new rug and needs to figure out a way to clean it up before The Man with the Yellow Hat returns! Too much soap and too much water make matters worse. With the help of the barnyard animals (and some simple engineering), George uses the Renkins' water pump to clean up the mess.

Friday, March 21st

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Prints of a Monkey / Lobby Sale

Professor Wiseman invites George and the Man with the Yellow Hat to the museum to see "The Wonders of Space Exploration" exhibit. It turns out that the main attraction is a meteorite that George himself found in the desert last summer! While admiring the rock, George's fingers accidentally smudge the exhibit case and George makes another cool discovery... his own fingerprints! George becomes so fascinated with them he collects finger and paw prints from all his friends. When the meteorite goes missing, with only a fingerprint left behind as a clue, can his Big Book of Prints help George find the culprit? / When George sees a rummage sale, he's inspired to host one of his own in the apartment lobby but has trouble convincing Hundley to cooperate.

Saturday, March 22nd

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Swimspiration/Museum of George

Sunday, March 23rd

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Zeros to Donuts/Curious George, Stain Remover

Zeros to Donuts - When George learns about the meaning and power of zero, he is ready to test out his knowledge. The perfect opportunity arises when he's sent to the donut shop for one dozen donuts. But when he adds a couple of zeros, he's surprised to find out he gets one hundred dozen. Now he has to figure out what to do with all those extra donuts before The Man with the Yellow Hat notices. Curious George, Stain Remover - George spills grape juice on the new rug and needs to figure out a way to clean it up before The Man with the Yellow Hat returns! Too much soap and too much water make matters worse. With the help of the barnyard animals (and some simple engineering), George uses the Renkins' water pump to clean up the mess.

Monday, March 24th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

George of the Desert/The Texture Game

Tuesday, March 25th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George On Time/Curious George's Bunny Hunt

Curious George On Time - After accidentally breaking Professor Wiseman's cuckoo clock, George decides to explore the inside of the BIG library clock to see how it works. When the big clock stops working too, Mr. Reloj, the local clockmaker, comes to the rescue. With Mr. Reloj's help, George discovers how to use various tools to make the clocks tick again. Curious George's Bunny Hunt - In the country, George falls in love with neighbor Bill's new pet bunnies. They are so irresistible that when Bill leaves to do his paper route, George just has to pet one. But as soon as he opens the bunny hutch, they all escape. By following their footprints and careful counting, George restores order and returns the missing bunnies to their home.

Wednesday, March 26th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Hot Dog! / George and the Beat

Hundley wants to cool down at the dog beach, but once he gets in the water, he's spooked by a wave and some seaweed. Taking inspiration from new canine companions, George builds Hundley his very own raft to cool off in style. / George has volunteered to be the drummer in the birthday band for the Man with the Yellow Hat's surprise birthday party at Pisghetti's. Almost as challenging as finding his rhythm and playing with others, though, is keeping the birthday secret. Good thing he gets lots of help from unlikely places.

Thursday, March 27th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George Beats The Band/Hats and a Hole

Curious George Beats the Band: At the symphony, George is lost in his daydreams. Inspired by such beautiful music, George imagines playing with Hundley in space among the twinkling stars, and flying from the ocean up to the sky with a friendly Loch Ness monster and a school of happy ducks. So when the symphony maestro announces that George is the winner of the conductor-for-a-day contest, George can't believe his good fortune. He'll be making that wonderful music! But first George must learn the rhythms necessary to conduct an orchestra, and he studies and practices night and day. Sure enough, his debut goes brilliantly - until Charkie mistakes George's baton for a dog toy and the monkey maestro has to play "keep away" without conducting his musicians into a musical frenzy. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To learn to identify and reproduce patterns in music such as rhythm, pitch and musical notation. Hats and a Hole: A hard hat, a shovel, a wheelbarrow and a ladder - George learns that all four items are necessary when digging a gigantic hole. But why are George and the Man With the Yellow (Hard) Hat digging in their own yard? It's a surprise, and George will have to wait for the answer while the Man and Mr. Quint go help Flint Quint change a light bulb, taking the ladder with them. But when the hats fall into the hole after a run-in with Jumpy Squirrel, how will George retrieve them? After trying this hat rescue mission with several items which are not quite long enough to reach into the bottom of the hole, George decides that a water hose might do the trick. And when he accidentally turns on the water itself, the ensuing flood turns out to be a spark of genius - not only does the water float the hats to the surface, but George discovers the true purpose for the hole. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To introduce the idea that some things float; due to their shape and/or due to the material they are made out of.

Friday, March 28th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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Buoy Wonder/Roller Monkey

Buoy Wonder - Today is a big day for Bill. He's entering his boat in the Model Boat Show! But George discovers that the boat sinks and to keep Bills hopes for a prize afloat, he decides to build a new boat. After some trial and error, George finds out which building materials sink and which float. Roller Monkey - A monkey on roller skates seems unlikely until Mr. And Mrs. Dulson ask George to wear a pair in front of their toy store to attract customers. George's skating rolls out of control, so Hundley steps in to help. Soon George, Hundley, and even Gnocchi find themselves learning about momentum and inertia at a rapid downhill pace.

Saturday, March 29th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Curious George On Time/Curious George's Bunny Hunt

Curious George On Time - After accidentally breaking Professor Wiseman's cuckoo clock, George decides to explore the inside of the BIG library clock to see how it works. When the big clock stops working too, Mr. Reloj, the local clockmaker, comes to the rescue. With Mr. Reloj's help, George discovers how to use various tools to make the clocks tick again. Curious George's Bunny Hunt - In the country, George falls in love with neighbor Bill's new pet bunnies. They are so irresistible that when Bill leaves to do his paper route, George just has to pet one. But as soon as he opens the bunny hutch, they all escape. By following their footprints and careful counting, George restores order and returns the missing bunnies to their home.

Sunday, March 30th

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Hot Dog! / George and the Beat

Hundley wants to cool down at the dog beach, but once he gets in the water, he's spooked by a wave and some seaweed. Taking inspiration from new canine companions, George builds Hundley his very own raft to cool off in style. / George has volunteered to be the drummer in the birthday band for the Man with the Yellow Hat's surprise birthday party at Pisghetti's. Almost as challenging as finding his rhythm and playing with others, though, is keeping the birthday secret. Good thing he gets lots of help from unlikely places.

Monday, March 31st

11:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Sounds of George/Better Butterflying