Monday, July 29th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Crystal and King Benefit Concert: Part One and Two

"Crystal and King Benefit Concert: Part One" - When Crystal and the King go for a trip to the Big Pond, they learn that it's being recklessly overfished! They enlist the help of the Pteranodon Family to try to spread the word that if the dinosaurs and pterosaurs aren't more careful, the Big Pond will run out of fish to eat. But when Crystal realizes that nothing they're doing is actually raising awareness of the issue, she decides to organize a HUGE benefit concert, and everyone agrees to pitch in and help (as long as the King doesn't have to perform)! "Crystal and King Benefit Concert: Part Two" - The "Don't Overfish the Big Pond" Benefit Concert is underway, and it's a HUGE success! But because there's so much to organize, Crystal never finds the time to rehearse her big finale - so when it's time for her to go onstage, she experiences something she's never experienced before - stage fright! Can the kids help Crystal get over her stage fright and get her back onstage, or will the King have to come out of "performance retirement" to help her out? Educational Objectives: Overfishing generally results in a dramatic depletion in the total amount of fish (i.e., biomass). Also, overfishing often causes smaller fish (the prey species of larger fish) to increase in number as the larger predators are removed. If aquatic ecosystems are given a chance to rebound, they often will, as long as the numbers of fish have not been depleted too far.

Tuesday, July 30th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part One/Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part Two

"Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part One" - The whole Pteranodon Family takes a rollicking adventure on the Dinosaur Train Riverboat! Buddy and Don vow to spend every minute together, but while Buddy wants to spend all his time investigating the creatures on the river, Don wants to spend all his time playing games and investigating the buffet. Can they come to some kind of agreement? "Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part Two" - While still rolling down the river on the Dinosaur Train Riverboat, Grandpa Pteranodon tells Buddy about the Legend of Admiral Globidens - a HUGE Mososaur that supposedly lives on the river, but no one has ever seen. Buddy enlists Dad and Tiny's help to look for Admiral Globidens, but they can't seem to find him. Does Admiral Globidens really exist, or is he just a figment of someone's imagination? Educational Objectives: River ecosystems tend to be lushly vegetated and full of diverse life forms because of the constant presence of water and the diversity of habitats (i.e., aquatic and land-based). Also, a Globidens was a large mososaur from the late cretaceous that lived in the water and used its large, globe-shaped teeth to eat turtles and other large shellfish.

Wednesday, July 31st

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Carla Cretoxyrhina/Train Trouble

Carla Cretoxyrhina - On this underwater excursion, the Pteranodon family meets up with Carla Cretoxyrhina, a young shark who turns out to be much nicer than her reputation suggests. She introduces the family to her dad, bringing them face to face with the "Big Fish in the Sea." Train Trouble - The speedy dinosaur brothers Oren and Ollie join our kids on a train trip to Troodon Town, but unplanned engine trouble sends Oren and Ollie sprinting the Roundhouse to bring back another engine to save the day!

Thursday, August 1st

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Don's Hole-Iday/We're Not All Dinosaurs

When Don is told he can't dig any more holes around the nest, he complains that he needs his own day just for digging holes-a hole-iday! The kids make up an imaginary holiday just for Don and recruit the Oryctodromeus to help dig all the holes Don could ever hope for. / The Pteranodon kids meet a new, small mammal friend, Adele Alphadon, and introduce her and their Big Pond friend, Cindy Cimolestes, to a new concept -- that not all Mesozoic creatures are dinosaurs. And that includes the Pteranodons! They live in a diverse world.

Friday, August 2nd

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Migration Vacation/Moms Rawk!

The Pteranodon family sends Buddy on the Dinosaur Train so he can join Annie, Deloris, and Boris Tyrannosaurus for a week on their migration, traveling with the T. rex pack as they follow a herd of giant sauropods across the plains of Laramidia. As Buddy travels with Annie's family, he gets to experience being a T. rex more than he's ever done. During the migration, Buddy deals with several `firsts': being away from home alone for the first time, being with another family, being on the move every day, and being homesick. Buddy and Annie bond more as they make it through the week. By the end of the week, Buddy is more adapted and glad that he experienced T. rex life a little more than he's ever done before. But he's really happy to come back to his adopted family, and has a new appreciation for them. / When Mrs. Pteranodon overhears Buddy telling his siblings what a great time he had on migration, she gets the idea to create a Pretend Migration for the kids. Tiny, Shiny, Don, and Buddy must use their senses and follow the clues to their surprise dinner at the Big Pond!

Monday, August 5th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Junior Conductor Jamboree/Troodon Train Day

Junior Conductor Jamboree - Our kids ride the Dinosaur Train from one end of the line to the other, through all three Time Periods -- from the Cretaceous, through the Jurassic, to the Triassic. All along the way, they pick up friends who join them for a Junior Conductor Jamboree! Troodon Train Day - The Pteranodon family rides to Troodon Town to celebrate Troodon Train Day, where the main event is a concert by King Cryolophosaurus, giving his first performance in years! When King comes down with some last-minute jitters, Buddy and Tiny help him overcome his stage fright and he sings a medley of his hits, including the Dinosaur Train theme song!

Tuesday, August 6th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Stargazing on the Night Train/Get Into Nature!

The Pteranodon family rides a special 'Night Train" to another part of the Cretaceous Time Period, where they meet a Troodontid "cousin" of the Conductor's, Sidney Sinovenator, who knows more about the stars than anyone. Sidney takes the family up to his favorite stargazing spot, "Starry Hill," and teaches the kids why the stars seem to move across the night sky. When the kids build their own version of a nest on the beach, below their actual family nest up on the cliff, they get the idea to turn their beach nest into a clubhouse. Shiny thinks that a clubhouse needs a club, and "the Nature Trackers" club is born! The kids decide to make their club about getting outside, getting into nature, and making new discoveries. The only problem is: which kid is in charge of the club?

Wednesday, August 7th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

A Brand New Species

The Conductor and the kids are out digging in a favorite fossil spot, out past the Big Pond. Buddy turns up something that the Conductor doesn't recognize. It's an excellent fossil - he guesses that they may have discovered a whole new Jurassic species! They all carefully finish digging out the beautifully intact theropod raptor skeleton and bring it to Troodon Town, where they can examine it at the Science labs at Troodon Academy. The experts agree: The Conductor and the kids have discovered a new Jurassic dinosaur! They nickname it "Buddysaurus." Now the Conductor must give a presentation to all the assembled Academy about this new Dracoraptor discovery. Used to being the authority and a kind of hilarious know-it-all, the Conductor is for once super-nervous and tongue-tied. The kids help him figure out how to properly and scientifically present his information and get over his nerves. Buddy leads them, and the kids even improvise a song about the new discovery, "A Brand-New Species!" It's a hit! / Buddy gets the idea to travel to the Early Jurassic and meet an example of their new discovery, a theropod they named "Buddysaurus." Unfortunately, since this is a brand-new-discovery, there is no train to the home of the Buddysaurus, nor a train station! The Conductor decides to take them all to the Early Jurassic, and hike from the nearest station to find this new theropod. And, they do! They discover that the theropod is actually called a "Dracoraptor." Our kids invite him to come back to Troodon Town with them so they can present him to the Troodon Scientists.

Thursday, August 8th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dry Times at Pteranodon Terrace/Big Misty Sea Fishing Contest

When the weather has been extremely dry for several weeks, all the water holes at Pteranodon Terrace dry up. The Lambeosaurus family decides to move away in search of water, which upsets the kids. Dad and Mom decide to take the kids to the Big Pond on a camping trip, where they will wait out the drought and return home when it rains again. Don doesn't want to leave his home, even temporarily, and decides to perfect a "rain dance" that will make the rain return. Dad learns that he's been chosen to compete in the big annual Fishing Contest at the Big Misty Sea, and is one of three contestants. The whole family rides there on the Dinosaur Train to cheer Dad on. They learn that the contestants are Dad, the Old Spinosaurus, and Dad's childhood friend and rival, a huge raptor named Marco Megaraptor. The three all end up fighting over Chester, the legendary biggest fish in the Big Misty Sea.

Friday, August 9th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part One/Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part Two

"Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part One" - The whole Pteranodon Family takes a rollicking adventure on the Dinosaur Train Riverboat! Buddy and Don vow to spend every minute together, but while Buddy wants to spend all his time investigating the creatures on the river, Don wants to spend all his time playing games and investigating the buffet. Can they come to some kind of agreement? "Rollin' on the Riverboat: Part Two" - While still rolling down the river on the Dinosaur Train Riverboat, Grandpa Pteranodon tells Buddy about the Legend of Admiral Globidens - a HUGE Mososaur that supposedly lives on the river, but no one has ever seen. Buddy enlists Dad and Tiny's help to look for Admiral Globidens, but they can't seem to find him. Does Admiral Globidens really exist, or is he just a figment of someone's imagination? Educational Objectives: River ecosystems tend to be lushly vegetated and full of diverse life forms because of the constant presence of water and the diversity of habitats (i.e., aquatic and land-based). Also, a Globidens was a large mososaur from the late cretaceous that lived in the water and used its large, globe-shaped teeth to eat turtles and other large shellfish.

Monday, August 12th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Forest Fire/The Lost Bird

When a forest fire comes to woods not far from the family nest at Pteranodon Terrace, the family takes the Dinosaur Train to visit a nearby area where a fire has already been, and the Conductor leads the kids on a Nature Tracker hike through the woods to see how new life is growing back - even after the forest fire's devastation. Buddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train for a playdate with their old friend Petey Peteinosaurus, and learn that the train has added a new Aviary Car, for their various flying passengers. Suddenly, they are joined by a lost bird named Judy Jehelornis, who was displaced by the recent forest fires, and can't remember where her home is. Buddy, Tiny, and Petey act as detectives to figure out from clues where Judy's home is, and the Conductor makes sure she's brought safely home on the train.

Tuesday, August 13th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dinosaur Train Submarine: Otto Opthalmosaurus/King Meets Crystal

When the Pteranodon family takes the Dinosaur Train under the sea to visit their friend Elmer Elasmosaurus, they learn that the Elasmosaurus family is going away from the station to follow their food, the fish. Buddy wants to follow, but the train tunnel doesn't go that way - so the Conductor decides to take the family in a brand-new invention, the Dinosaur Train Submarine! On their journey, they meet a marine reptile called Otto Opthalmosaurus, who guides the submarine deeper than it's ever been, and even helps them find their way out of a sea cave. During a day at Troodon Town Music Festival, the Pteranodon family and King Cryolophosaurus hear a wonderful singer named Crystal Cryolophosaurus. King is very interested in becoming friends with Crystal, another dinosaur of his species, but he gets very nervous when trying to talk to her. Tiny and Buddy help King overcome his nervousness, and he and Crystal end up friends who happily sing together.

Wednesday, August 14th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dinosaur Big City, Pt. 1/Dinosaur Big City, Pt. 2

Dinosaur Big City Part I - Buddy and the Pteranodon family begin their journey on the Dinosaur Train, gathering all their Theropod friends together to travel to a really big Theropod Club Convention which is being held in Laramidia, the "Dinosaur Big City"! Dinosaur Big City Part II - The Pteranodon family continues their journey to the Theropod Convention in Laramidia, the Dinosaur Big City! Among the Theropod dinosaurs that ride the Train with them is King Cryolophosaurus, who sings his songs "Big Ol' Whistle-Stop Rock-n-Roll Dinosaur Tour" and "Whole Lotta Theropods"!

Thursday, August 15th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dinosaur Big City, Pt. 3/Dinosaur Big City, Pt. 4

Dinosaur Big City Part III - The Dinosaur Train arrives in Laramidia, the Dinosaur Big City, and Buddy and the Pteranodon family explore the crowded "dinosaur metropolis." At the Theropod Convention, our kids reunite with Annie Tyrannosaurus and her parents Dolores and Boris, and they all meet the multi-horned mayor, Mayor Kosmoceratops! Dinosaur Big City Part IV - Buddy and Tiny help King Cryolophosaurus overcome his fear of performing in front of his biggest audience ever, and he wows a large dinosaur audience when he sings his new song, "Whole Lotta Theropods" at the Theropod Convention in Laramidia, the Dinosaur Big City.

Friday, August 16th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Earthquake/Nursery Car

Mom takes the kids on a playdate with Tank Triceratops to the desert, where they meet a distant relative of Tank's, an early Ceratopsian named Penelope Protoceratops. The Conductor points out that Penelope lives in a part of the world that gets a lot of earthquakes, and sure enough, the kids experience their first quake with Penelope. Mom and the Conductor have prepared the kids with excellent advice about what to do in an earthquake, so everyone does fine. When the family rides the Dinosaur Train, they learn that a new car has been added - a Nursery Car, with dozens of eggs in little, padded nests, attended by their expectant moms and dads. The kids watch the eggs hatch, and try to guess which hatchling goes with which dinosaur parent.

Monday, August 19th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Father's Day

When the Pteranodon Family visits Troodon Town for a big Father's Day celebration, the Conductor sees Mr. Pteranodon enjoying being celebrated, and is compelled to ask his mother whatever happened to his father. She decides that he's ready to learn the truth and tells him the story about how his father was the bravest Conductor of them all and dared to build an experimental Drill Train and tunnel into the future -- she believes to the Cenozoic Era, which no dinosaur had ever seen. Unfortunately, the Conductor's father never returned, and is apparently lost. The Conductor decides to take the new Drill Train and tunnel into the future to rescue his missing father! / The Conductor, determined to find his missing father, takes the experimental Drill Train and drills a new Time Tunnel that goes as far into the end of the Mesozoic Era as possible, to drill farther into the future and find his father, Trevor Troodon. Once Dad and Buddy and Tiny get wind of this plan, they come aboard, too. So they all take the Drill Train and drill into the future. They come out in the Ice Age of the Cenozoic Era, where they meet a huge, furry Mastodon named Maurice. Maurice helps them search through the icy wastes until they find a feather-covered Northern Troodon who turns out to indeed be Trevor, the father of Mr. Conductor! A happy reunion for all, and they bring him home to the Age of Dinosaurs.

Wednesday, August 21st

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

King and Crystal Play Red Rock/Nick of Time

King and Crystal Cryolophosaurus are back together in their on-again, off-again rock'n'roll relationship. The Conductor shows up to extend an offer to play the Red Rock Ampitheater in Laramidia (the Cretaceous mini-continent that is now the Rocky Mountains). Our Pteranodon Family is visiting King and Crystal in Jurassic Antarctica when they get the big news. Crystal is all for it - this concert is the big time! But King is hesitant, worried about performing because of stage fright. It takes emotional support from the Pteranodon kids to get King to perform, plus they help him get Crystal an anniversary gift. In the end, King and Crystal rock the Red Rocks and the festival crowd with their new hit song, "Red Rockin' the Cretaceous." / When Dad's good friend from their teenage years -- a pterosaur called Nyctosaurus -- comes for a long overdue visit, he's fun at first. Being a professional flyer, Nick thinks about flying 24/7, and teaches the kids exciting new flying and diving techniques for a couple of days. The kids need a break and end up showing Nick what they like to play - other activities besides flying. Nick appreciates that and invites the family to his upcoming big flying race!

Thursday, August 22nd

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Adventure Camp: Rafting/Adventure Camp: Mountain Climbing

For their second outing at Nature Trackers Adventure Camp, Buddy, Tiny, Shiny, Don and other friends learn about the tree line as they set out to hike up a mountain. Shiny is determined to get to the top of the mountain forest. Buddy wonders if they'll be able to see anything from the mountaintop through the tall trees. The kids are amazed that the higher they hike, the shorter the trees and bushes get! Then they reach the tree line--a certain point on the mountain where trees are really small because they don't have enough air to breathe and the temperature is too cold. In the end, Shiny and all the kids use teamwork to reach the mountaintop together!

Monday, August 26th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Hurricane at Pteranodon Terrace/Rafting The Cretaceous

The long-awaited rains finally return to Pteranodon Terrace, but grow into a huge rainstorm that grows even bigger - into a hurricane! Dad hasn't seen it blow like this since he was a kid. They seek shelter, and Don discovers an entrance to a cave below their nest, where not only the Pteranodons, but also their other neighbors, the Lambeorsaurus family and Cindy Cimolestes, all take shelter for the night. In the morning, the storm has passed, but everyone must pitch in to rebuild their various nests. The family is cleaning up the mess left over from the hurricane, and discover that a raft of logs has washed up two refugees from across the Western Interior Sea - a turtle named Aidan Adocus, and a small mammal named Tommy Ptilodus. Our family learns of their adventure, crossing the sea in the storm, and washing up at Pteranodon Terrace. They decide to take their new friends to the Dinosaur Train, and ride back with them to their home in Appalachia.

Tuesday, August 27th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Shiny and Snakes/Tiny Loves Flowers

Shiny gets over her fear of snakes when Tiny challenges the Nature Trackers to meet the ultimate snake: the Sanajeh, a huge Cretaceous snake from what is now India. Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to find Sana Sanajeh, who may be huge, but turns out to be quite friendly. Once Shiny and Sana become friends, Shiny returns home with the knowledge that snakes aren't scary - they're just another part of nature! Tiny is horrified when her favorite buttercups all wilt, so Mom takes her and the family to the Big Pond, where she remembers seeing a whole lot of buttercups in bloom. On the way there, the Conductor gives the kids a visual lesson in "Nature's Life Cycle," explaining how a flower grows, blossoms, then wilts, and returns its seeds to the ground, to start the cycle all over again. Tiny finds her flowers at the Big Pond, both blooming and wilting, and can see nature's life cycle in action.

Wednesday, August 28th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Adventure Camp: Zip Lining/Adventure Camp: Canyon Hiking

The Nature Trackers Adventure Campers are back for another adventure and this time they'll be travelling to a rainforest! Once they arrive in the dense, overgrown rainforest, the campers explore different levels of the ecosystem, including the forest floor and the canopy of leaves at the top of the forest. After a hike through the rainforest, the campers' fun adventure culminates as each kid takes a ride on a zip line, where they all get a bird's eye view of the entire rainforest! The Nature Trackers Adventure Campers are led by Mr. Conductor and Gilbert on a hike down a canyon where they can see the different layers of the Mesozoic Era! At first Lily Lambeosaurus is reluctant to go, thinking that a new adventure sounds hard, but Don convinces her that a new adventure can be worth the effort. At the bottom of the canyon, the kids play Dinoball and then dig for fossils. Each Nature Tracker goes home with an Ammonite fossil, and Lily is so glad she tried something new!

Thursday, August 29th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

That's Not A Dinosaur/Tiny's Garden

The kids visit the Big Pond to attend the Biome Block Party. While attempting to win the leaf-necklace contest, Keenan Chirostemotes claims the Pteranodon sibs can't compete for the prize for "dinosaur" with the most leaves because they are not dinosaurs. This launches the kids into a song called "That's Not a Dinosaur", as all the non-dinosaurs sing their piece. In the end, the game rules are changed to include all creatures, even non-dinosaurs, in all the contests! The Nature Trackers go on a visit to the Big Pond, where Tiny hopes to see her favorite flowers. The Conductor tells her that if the kids gather seeds at the pond, they can bring them home and plant a garden full of those same flowers at the family nest! The kids all get into it, gathering seeds and bringing them home, where they plant a garden, and meet its new inhabitants, including Sammy, a friendly slug, who explains that slugs, spiders, and butterflies all help to make a garden complete.

Friday, August 30th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Buddy Explores The Tyrannosaurs/Rainy Day Fight

Buddy, an adopted T. rex, wishes he knew more about his T. rex ancestors. So, Dad takes him and Tiny on the Dinosaur Train back to the early Cretaceous, to visit an ancestor: an earlier version of Tyrannosaurus rex called Raptorex. Rodney Raptorex is a kid who won't grow up to be as big as Buddy will, but the two boys find that they not only have a lot of differences, they have a lot in common, too. The kids are stuck cooped up in the nest for a long, rainy spell which leads to them fighting. Mom tells them that the rain has stopped enough that they can leave the nest but she gives them an assignment: to go find their own "calm space," where they can calm down enough to get along with each other again. It works - each kid finds something in nature that helps him or her to calm down and be friends again.

Monday, September 2nd

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Valley of the Stygimolochs/Tiny Loves Fish

Valley of the Stygimolochs - Buddy wonders if he'll grow horns when he gets older, so Mrs. Pteranodon takes him to visit some dinosaurs called Stygimoloch, who have really impressive horns. Tiny Loves Fish - After Mr. Pteranodon teaches the kids his fishing method, Buddy and Tiny work together as a team to catch fish in the Big Pond.

Tuesday, September 3rd

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Solar Train/Birdwatching

Our Pteranodon family accompanies Mr. Conductor to the Troodon Town Roundhouse to meet up with Thurston Troodon, the Rocket Train's conductor. They all soon learn that Tricia Troodon, a young hotshot conductor, actually invited everyone there to see her new train - the Solar Train! The kids learn that it's powered by the sun! To test the train's performance, the three Conductors, along with the help of Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don, race the Dinosaur Train, Thurston's Rocket Train and Tricia's new Solar Train to the Triassic! Buddy and Tiny give Elliot Enantiornithine, a first timer on the Dinosaur Train, a tour of the Train. When they go through Laura Giganotosaurus' car, she explains to them that today is her bird watching/drawing day, but she hasn't found a single bird to watch. But, there's Elliot. He hams it up for Laura, who watches and draws him. This is so fun that Buddy and Tiny bring Laura to meet another bird friend-- Arlene Archeopteryx. Then Arlene and Elliot introduce the kids and Laura to a new bird named Peng Protopteryx! It's a successful birdwatching/drawing day as all three birds are delighted to show off their unique feathers.

Wednesday, September 4th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Rocket Train Surprise Party/Cloudy with a Chance of Fun

After Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn that it's Mr. Conductor's birthday, they decide to throw him a surprise party in his favorite place - the Dinosaur Train! The whole family plans the party, secretly riding the Rocket Train to pick up friends from all around the Mesozoic and gather ginkgo leaves for a special birthday cake. The party is a huge success - the Conductor is surprised and moved, and loves his tasty ginkgo leaf birthday cake. As the Pteranodon kids play in their family nest, Buddy stares at a sky full of clouds and asks the group, "What are clouds?" Mr. Pteranodon and his neighbor, Mr. Lambeosaurus, have different opinions. As they all get on the Dinosaur Train, they consider whether clouds are made of water or whether they're just made of fluff. Tiny knows who would have the facts--Mr. Conductor! He explains that clouds are made of billions of tiny drops of water that are so light they float in the air. He also takes the group to Cloudy Point Station where the kids play a cloud-spotting game, identifying the three types of clouds they learned about: cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. In the end, a rainstorm certainly proves that clouds are made of water!

Thursday, September 5th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

One Big Dinosaur/Play Date with Annie

One Big Dinosaur - Tiny and Buddy visit a dinosaur family called Argentinosaurus, some of the biggest land creatures ever! The kids find out there are great things about being really big, and that it's also great being their own size. Play Date with Annie - Buddy is excited that his friend Annie Tyrannosaurus is coming to the Pteranodon nest to visit and play with them. After Tiny feels left out, Buddy and Annie show her that they can all be friends!

Friday, September 6th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
Watch Now!

Tiny and the Crocodile/Meet The Grandparents

Team Pteranodon travels to Dienosuchas Swamp to meet Deanna Dienosuchas, a 40 foot crocodile with many big teeth, and a crabby attitude. Tiny leads the way to warm up Deanna who turns out to be more friendly and less scary than our kids imagined. The Pteranodon kids have special visitors - their Grandma and Grandpa! The kids delight in realizing they share similar traits with their grandparents (laughs, expressions, and interests), and love showing Grandma and Grandpa around the nest area and playing some games they all like.

Monday, September 9th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Laura The Giganotosaurus/Dinosaur Poop!

Laura the Giganotosaurus - Buddy spends time with Laura Giganotosaurus, a large dinosaur who always rides the Dinosaur Train and, like Buddy, is a three-toed theropod! Buddy also discovers that Laura is an avid bird-watcher. Dinosaur Poop! - Buddy and Tiny learn that all creatures poop, even really big dinosaurs.

Tuesday, September 10th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Now with Feathers!/A Frill A Minute

Now With Feathers! - Dad gives Tiny and Buddy a mystery feather and the kids become "detectives," riding the Dinosaur Train to meet Valerie Velociraptor, who shows our kids what life is like covered with beautiful feathers. A Frill a Minute - Our kids help Tank Triceratops overcome his awkwardness having a huge head by showing him how cool and amazing his features are, especially his frill.

Wednesday, September 11th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Tiny's Fishing Friend/Butterflies

Tiny can't believe it when he finds out that his friend Cindy Cimolestes doesn't like fish, but she explains that she's a mammal and many mammals don't eat fish. Determined, Tiny sets out to find a mammal in the Mesozoic who likes fish, so she, Buddy, Cindy and Dad set out on a fishing trip where they run into Cassie Castrocauda, a Jurassic mammal that looks like a cross between a beaver, an otter and a platypus, who also happens to love fish! One morning at the family nest, Don befriends a butterfly that he names Dan. Don, Buddy, Tiny and Shiny watch Dan and three of his "sibling" butterflies fly around until suddenly they disappear, leaving Dan all alone. Don feels for the separated butterfly and vows to re-unite him with his siblings. After Mom and Dad give a quick lesson about butterfly camouflage, Don leads his own siblings all around the nest area searching for Dan the Butterfly's lost "sisters and brother." The whole time, Don keeps an eye on Dan, who camouflages himself when any threat (birds or a frog) are nearby. The long search doesn't yield the missing butterflies. Then, at the end of the day, our family is amazed when Dan's family reveals that it had been camouflaged in a flower headband!

Thursday, September 12th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
Watch Now!

Armored Like An Ankylosaurus/Campout!

Armored Like an Ankylosaurus - The kids travel on the Dinosaur Train with Mr. Pteranodon to see his hero, Hank Ankylosaurus, play a game of Dinoball. Afterwards, they even get to play with Hank and learn what it's like to be a dinosaur that's covered with armored plates and a mighty club for a tail. Campout! - Our Pteranodon family goes to the Big Pond for their first overnight camp out and meets a small frog with a big voice.

Friday, September 13th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Best Babysitter Ever/Plant A Tree

Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don are excited that Keira Chirostenotes gets to babysit them for the night while Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon go out for a dinner on the Dinosaur Night Train. Keira shows the kids how a dead log's decomposition provides food and shelter for many living creatures. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon are gleeful as they enjoy their date, exploring the Dinosaur Train's other compartments. Mom and Dad return home to find their kids filled with more happiness than when they left them and their pillows filled with several little bugs from the decomposing log. The Pteranodon kids are spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa Pteranodon! On the Dinosaur Train trip to their grandparents' place, Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn about sycamore trees. Grandma and Grandpa are excited to have a whole day with their grandkids and doubly-excited to do a special project with them. They bring the kids to a field lined with sycamore trees and show them a particularly tall one that was - Can you believe it!? - planted by their Dad when he was a kid! Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don get to plant their own sycamore saplings and vow to visit their trees frequently to track their growth over the years!

Monday, September 16th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Beating The Heat/Flowers for Mom

Beating the Heat - Buddy and Tiny travel to the Jurassic to make a new friend, Morris Stegosaurus, and discover how this huge dinosaur keeps cool in the heat. Flowers for Mom - The kids go to the Big Pond to look for flowers to give to Mom on her special Mothers Day. They find many different flowers while following a very busy bee.

Tuesday, September 17th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus/Triceratops for Lunch

The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus - The family surprises Mom for her birthday with a trip to a concert given by Cory and her family of Corythosaurus, who play music through the crests on their heads. Triceratops for Lunch - Our Pteranodon family eats lunch with their friend Tank Triceratops and discover that he and his family are all plant-eaters, with great leaf-eating teeth and giant appetites!

Wednesday, September 18th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Underwater Race/Buddy Wants to Fly

The Pteranodon Family, with the Conductor, have raced on land a few times and in the air against Thurston Troodon, but have never raced in the water! So, after Thurston shows up in his own souped-up, "state-of-the-art" submarine, the challenge is on! Buddy, Tiny, and Mrs. Pteranodon are with Mr. Conductor in the Dinosaur Train Submarine, racing across the great Western Interior Sea against Thurston, Shiny, Don, and Mr. Pteranodon! On the way, they meet a new species of marine reptile, Leo the Liopleuridon, who helps Thurston a little too much in the race. / but he doesn't have wings like his siblings do! For 4 seasons, Buddy has run along while his siblings fly, although sometimes they carry him. When Shiny complains that Buddy is getting too big to carry around Pteranodon Terrace, Buddy feels sad for a little while, then decides to do something about it - build himself his own set of wings! Our Pteranodon kids love this, and they get to work designing and engineering, starting with funny homemade versions, a try-and-fail sequence with some hilarious crashes and some success, leading up to a cool, Leonardo-esque set of mechanical wings. The wings work! Buddy can fly with his siblings, and they have a triumphant flying session. But in the end, Buddy misses being carried. "Who am I kidding? I'm not a Pteranodon! I'm a T. rex who really loves to fly!" Buddy goes happily back to the status quo. And even better, he knows what to do with his mechanical wings - he gives them to the Pteranodon kid with a stunted wing. We end with them all flying together, the neighbor kid joyfully flying Buddy's mechanical wings.

Thursday, September 19th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Gilbert The Conductor/A Clubhouse of Their Own

The Conductor's nephew Gilbert has been taking Conductor courses at the Troodon Academy, and has finally graduated to Cadet Conductor! The kids are thrilled - will Gilbert get his own Dinosaur Train to conduct? The answer comes when the Conductor gets sick and can't do his job, including calling out the station stops! He appoints new Cadet Gilbert to run the Dinosaur Train until he gets his voice back. The strain of running the train by himself wears heavily on Gilbert, and our kids step in to help him run it. Gilbert learns it takes a team to get the job done and keep the train running. There's big relief when the real Conductor gets his voice back and goes back to running things. No one's more relieved than Gilbert! / Our kids want their own clubhouse, separate from the family nest. They try out several locations - Tiny's Tiny Place, Dad's Thinking Tree, a large Don-made hole - but none of them are the right fit. Eventually, the kids (with the help of Mom and Dad), build their own clubhouse using natural materials.

Friday, September 20th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

I'm A T. Rex!/Ned The Quadruped

I'm a T. rex! - Buddy travels to Rexville on the Dinosaur Train and meets Delores Tyrannosaurus and her daughter Annie. When he sees that he shares all the same features, Buddy learns that he is a Tyrannosaurus rex! Ned the Quadruped - Buddy and Tiny tour the Dinosaur Train and earn their Junior Conductor hats while their friend Ned, a four-legged, long-necked Brachiosaurus and regular Train rider, tags along.

Monday, September 23rd

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Beelzebufo Cometh/Dennis Comes to Visit

The kids happen upon the legendary giant bullfrog, Benny Beelzebufo, who they once visited on his home river. Benny got off the Train at the wrong stop and is in new territory - the Pteranodon Family neighborhood. The kids take him around and show him fun places and play games with him. Then, he gets worried - he has to be home for dinner! A problem with the Dinosaur Train means our Pteranodon kids and Dad - with the help of good friend, Pauline Paleobatrachus, a tiny frog - take Benny on a trek over land and on water, and get him home to his family. Benny is thankful and loved his unexpected adventure with the Pteranodons. / When the kids all went to Junior Conductor's Academy, they met Dennis Deinocheirus, a brilliant and autistic theropod who was the first dinosaur kid who knew more dino facts than Buddy! Now, Dennis fulfills a promise and has come to visit Buddy and the kids at Pteranodon Terrace. Buddy, Tiny, Shiny, and Don play host to Dennis and are very sensitive to his needs, manner, and being out of his comfort zone. Dennis ends up having fun playing new games with the kids, digging holes, and playing on the pretend "Dinosaur Train" rocks.

Tuesday, September 24th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

One Smart Dinosaur/Petey The Peteinosaurus

One Smart Dinosaur - Buddy and Tiny want to test their memory, so they ride the Dinosaur Train and spend some time with the Conductor, since he's a Troodon with a great memory. The kids get to meet the Conductor's mom, Mrs. Conductor. Petey The Peteinosaurus - Buddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Petey Peteinosaurus, a "flying lizard," who is fun, funny, and friendly, and has some features similar to both Buddy and Tiny!

Wednesday, September 25th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Fast Friends/T. Rex Teeth

Fast Friends - Buddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Oren and Ollie Ornithomimus, some of the fastest dinosaurs ever! Our kids love meeting the fast-moving and fast-talking twins. T. rex Teeth - When Buddy loses a tooth, Mom takes him to Rexville to ask his Tyrannosaurus friends all about T. rex teeth. They explain that he'll grow new teeth to replace the old ones.

Thursday, September 26th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Mom Was A Kid Once

After Shiny and Annie have a disagreement while exploring a local cave, Mom recalls a similar disagreement with her best friend when she was a kid, Tilly Pteranodon. Tilly happens to be visiting that day and the kids get to meet her for the first time. Mom and Tilly have a great reunion, yet they have very different memories of what their childhood disagreement was about-except that it was about an adventure in a swamp and a swamp-dwelling creature. To clear things up, Mom, Tilly, Tiny, Shiny, and Annie go back to Mom and Tilly's old neighborhood and the swamp. / Mom and Tilly (along with Tiny, Shiny, and Annie) return to their old neighborhood to explore the swamp where they used to play as kids and had a disagreement. The disagreement was about a swamp creature - was it a friend or foe? Mom and Tilly discover the creature, who is still there, is a friend! She is GOLDIE the GLOBIDENS, a marine creature who eats mostly shellfish. Mom recalls that she was scared of Goldie as a kid. and that that was the crux of her disagreement with Tilly. But, that was then, and now their friendship is patched up and strong again - a good example for Shiny and Annie.

Friday, September 27th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dinosaur Train Submarine: Shoshana Shonosaurus/All Kinds of Families

The Pteranodon family goes under the sea again, to ride the Dinosaur Train Submarine - this time they go to meet Shoshana Shonisaurus, an enormous marine reptile that's something between a dolphin and a whale. Since Shoshana loves to dive down very deep, Shiny has a problem with following her down to the bottom of the sea. Shoshana kindly helps Shiny get over her fear of diving deep. When Buddy expresses his feelings about being adopted to Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon, they tell him that he will always be a part of the Pteranodon family. Mom takes Buddy and Tiny to meet another adopted dinosaur kid named Sonny Sauroposeidon, a huge tall creature, now a part of tiny Mikey Microraptor's family. Buddy and Sonny bond over being adopted and knowing that they are both in adoptive families that are different species but still love and appreciate them.

Monday, September 30th

6:30am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Tiny-Saur Train/How Many Horns

While Mikey Microraptor is visiting Tiny at the family nest, next-door neighbor Larry Lambeosaurus tells Mikey that he can't actually be a dinosaur, since he's so small, and all dinosaurs are gigantic. Tiny and Mikey decide to show Larry he's mistaken. They take the Dinosaur Train to find the tiniest dinosaur of all - in Jurassic China. There, they meet Yi qi, a new tiny dinosaur, the size of a pigeon, whose name means "strange wing" because its wings are made of skin! She's otherwise covered in feathers. Tiny and Mikey learn Yi qi's point of view: "Everyone thinks dinosaurs are huge. I'm small, but I'm still a dinosaur!" Mikey is thrilled to meet a dino smaller than himself. Then Mikey, Tiny, and Yi qi bond over being small but proud, and exclaim their rallying cry of "Tiny Power!" Yi qi joins this group of tiny dinosaurs. The Conductor is inspired to create a Tiny Dinosaur Train, especially adapted to accommodate tiny dinosaurs. Larry meets the tiniest dinosaur when the Tiny Dinosaur Train rolls into the station, is properly impressed, and the kids sing a new "Tiny Power!" song / Buddy and Tank Triceratops are best friends, and they share a love for comparing features. Tank, who has 3 horns, wonders why Mayor Kosmoceratops has 15, and Protoceratops has only 1. Buddy, Tank, and the other kids go on a quest to track down Ceratopsians with horns numbering from 1 to 15. In their travels, they end up meeting "the Queen," an amazing Late Cretaceous Regaliceratops, who has a very decorative frill that almost rivals Kosmoceratops for number of horns!