When the kids help out at the local radio station they discover a problem with the antenna is being caused by a baby raccoon. With some help from their handyman pal they not only make an easy route to safety for the creature but also broadcast their own radio coverage of the event! Nina is missing a moccasin she needs for pow-wow workout class and jumps to the conclusion that Smudge the puppy has taken it. Discovering that some forest creatures are the real culprits Nina involves Smudge in getting her moccasin back and apologizes for presuming he was to blame.
Buddy finds himself in a basketball shooting competition with his dad, Chief Madwe, so he needs to learn how to sink a basket double quick! When his friends lose the basketball Buddy uses his bear strength to save the day then impresses his dad by combining lacrosse skills with basketball moves. When Smudge the puppy goes missing, Nina, Joe and Buddy interrupt their outdoor gymnastic practice and track his paw prints up to where he's stuck on a rocky ledge. Realizing Smudge is too scared to jump down Nina uses her balancing skills and leads the team in rescuing their little puppy friends.
When Chief Madwe builds the kids their very own fort they imagine themselves as a super rescuers ready to help those in need but Joe keeps raising false alarms. When a runaway kite causes a real rescue need, Joe has to persuade his pals it's not a false alarm and that without them a Maymay will truly end up in distress. Inspired by his father, the Chief, Buddy becomes leader of the trio, giving orders to Nina, Joe and Smudge the puppy as they help neighbours. Buddy doesn't listen to their concerns so Joe and Nina refuse to follow but he realizes his mistake just in time to lead them in rescuing some animals stuck on a roof.
When the kids find a turtle nest, they know they need to help the hatchlings overcome all obstacles to make it to the marsh, safe and sound. They help them over a road, through a woodpile, over a log but then need a clever plan to convince some curious raccoons to let them pass and get to the water. The kids are really looking forward to making a big butterfly out of plywood for the butterfly release party in the park but Hank hasn't shown up with their supplies yet. Discovering his truck is stuck in the mud the kids trek through the woods to Hank and then must decide if they are willing to sacrifice their art project to help him.
When Joe, Nina and Buddy join in the tradition of celebrating the Summer Solstice they discover the longest day of the year is also an opportunity to be super helpers. A baby moose needing water, dress jingles missing, a drumstick lost and a hang glider mishap are just some of the dilemmas they face with teamwork and spirit animal skills. Along the way our heroes learn six of the Seven Teachings and finally solve the mystery of the Seventh Teaching brought by the Turtle then celebrate their special day.
On a trek to see the stars at a special place in the woods where Buddy sees lots of natural wonders but Joe and Nina are more interested in the games on a cell phone. When Buddy sees Smudge has wondered off into trouble the others finally realize they must pay attention and even use technology to help with the rescue. When a new playmate arrives, Nina becomes increasingly competitive but finds she's not the best at everything. A baby otter needs rescuing and Nina and the friend discover that working together as a duo they can equally contribute to saving the day.
Enthusiastically minding the store for Mishoom, Joe convinces Eva to buy a skateboard resulting in an out of control ride certain to end with a crash unless he and his pals rescue her. Shy about not feeling as brave as his friends, Buddy is uneasy on a camping trip until heroically rescuing a scared squirrel helps him realize it's okay to admit your fear.
While tobogganing, Joe, Nina and Buddy rescue Handyman Hank when his delivery snowmobile breaks down then use their skills to save the Winter Solstice party. Kookum's jars of syrup get knocked over and Buddy won't admit he did it but after his friends almost lose the results of their hard work due to his clumsiness he finally comes clean.
Joe is convinced he's not good at fishing but finding a little forest spirit in distress he uses his other skills to lead a successful fishing style rescue. Out late to view the Northern Lights, the friends race to rescue Buddy's run-away drum before it rolls off a cliff, saving it, then playing it to celebrate the dancing lights in the sky.
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