Monday, July 29th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

A Reasonable Eggsplanation/The Special Agents of Birdwell Island

Tuesday, July 30th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Mount Norma/Hide and Sneak

Mount Norma Jack's dad reads to the kids about his old travel buddy, Ravi, who scaled a mountain and chose a name for it. The kids are inspired to pretend to be mountain climbers themselves and scale a "mountain" of their own-the local hill. But, there are many pretend obstacles along the way, and they have to figure out what to name it! Hide and Sneak The friends are playing an epic game of Animal Star Rangers Hide-and-Seek to save the galaxy! When Clifford's size makes playing hide-and-seek difficult, Emily Elizabeth finds a creative way to help him.

Wednesday, July 31st

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Captain Chrysalis/It's Berry Season!

Thursday, August 1st

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Too Many Pets/Clifford's On His Own

Friday, August 2nd

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Whale of a Time/Clifford's Museum

Monday, August 5th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Cool Clubhouse/The Birdwell Islandeers

Tuesday, August 6th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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Searchers of the Lost Coin/Birdwell Backwards

Wednesday, August 7th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Wild Wolf Pack/Putt-Ing It Together

Thursday, August 8th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Try A Little Yumyum!/Come Back, Happy Jack!

Friday, August 9th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Farm Friends/The Big Book Giveaway

Monday, August 12th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

When You Wish Upon A Cake/Make Room for Sonia

Tuesday, August 13th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

All Grown Up/Picture This

Wednesday, August 14th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Adventures of Clifford The Good/Surf's Up..... and Down

Thursday, August 15th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55
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The Spectacle Spectacular/The New Babysitter

Friday, August 16th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Storm/Officer Clifford

Monday, August 19th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Fortune Teller/The Goat Boat

Wednesday, August 21st

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

An End By Every Friend/Bailey's Starry Night!

Thursday, August 22nd

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Doggy Air Rangers/My Hero, Hero

Monday, August 26th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Birdwell Times/Night at the Library

Tuesday, August 27th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Samantha's Perfect Day/Welcome Home, Natalie Chan

Wednesday, August 28th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Dog Who Cried Bark!/Fort Box

Thursday, August 29th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The March of the Sea Turtles/A Squirrely Situation

Friday, August 30th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dancing by the Book/Tucker's Tooth

Monday, September 2nd

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Little Red Dream/The Mail Mix Up

The Little Red Dream - After a wild day of mishaps leaves Clifford wishing he wasn't so big, Emily Elizabeth reads Clifford Gulliver's Travels as he drifts off to sleep. He dreams he is a little dog, and is at first excited to be able to do all the things he couldn't before - until Emily Elizabeth needs help...BIG HELP! When he wakes up, he is glad to be back to his big, regular size. The Mail Mix Up - There is a new mail carrier on Birdwell Island! Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and the gang help Mrs. Clayton deliver invitations to everyone in town by way of their very own Big Red Delivery Service. After almost all the invitations are handed out, they realize they almost forgot to give the guest of honor his invitation! But, where will they find him? Maybe at...the post office?

Tuesday, September 3rd

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Knights of the Wobbly Table/Don't Lead Me A Stray

Knights of the Wobbly Table - Emily Elizabeth and Clifford visit the library to find a special book. But, when they arrive, they find that it's missing and was last checked out by EMILY ELIZABETH! Where has it gone? Emily Elizabeth and Clifford go on a noble quest to trace the book back through friends and family, only to find it in a surprising place. Don't Lead Me a Stray - It's the annual Pet Adoption Fair on Birdwell Island! Emily Elizabeth and Clifford want to help others find their forever friends, just like they did. While Clifford helps a little doggy learn that his forever friend (whoever that may be) will love him just as he is, Emily Elizabeth helps Pablo as he tries to find his own best animal friend.

Wednesday, September 4th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Get Along Little Kitties/Very Big Riding Hood

Get Along Little Kitties - Emily Elizabeth and Clifford find that trying to wrangle a bunch of kitties is much trickier than they imagined. But, by pretending to be cowpokes, the duo finds creative ways to herd the kittens across Birdwell Island and keep them safe. Very Big Riding Hood - While journeying to bring treats to their friend Bailey, Clifford and Emily Elizabeth wind up sharing their treats with many critters along the way. Will they have enough treats left for Bailey when they finally reach her house?

Thursday, September 5th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Mount Norma/Hide and Sneak

Mount Norma Jack's dad reads to the kids about his old travel buddy, Ravi, who scaled a mountain and chose a name for it. The kids are inspired to pretend to be mountain climbers themselves and scale a "mountain" of their own-the local hill. But, there are many pretend obstacles along the way, and they have to figure out what to name it! Hide and Sneak The friends are playing an epic game of Animal Star Rangers Hide-and-Seek to save the galaxy! When Clifford's size makes playing hide-and-seek difficult, Emily Elizabeth finds a creative way to help him.

Friday, September 6th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Things That Go Bump/Sherlock Bones

Things That Go Bump - Emily Elizabeth and Clifford host their first-ever backyard campout with all their dog and human friends. Things are going great until they start getting spooked by weird noises and shadows! Emily Elizabeth and Clifford help each other face their fears, only to discover the "scary" thing wasn't scary after all. Sherlock Bones - After a bunch of salty snacks, Clifford and his doggy friends are THIRSTY! But, when they head over to their community dog bowl, they find it is missing. Who could have taken it? Inspired by Emily Elizabeth's Sherlock Holmes book, the gang works together to find clues and solve the mystery.

Monday, September 9th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Captain Chrysalis/It's Berry Season!

Tuesday, September 10th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Adventures of Clifford The Good/Surf's Up..... and Down

Wednesday, September 11th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Red Beard The Pirate/The Space Race!

Red Beard the Pirate - After reading a book about pirates, Emily Elizabeth and Clifford go on a pretend swashbuckling adventure around Birdwell Island in search of treasure! But, when Tucker loses his beloved Lil Squeakie, Emily Elizabeth and Clifford make it their mission to find that treasured doggy toy before bedtime. The Space Race! - Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and Samantha announce their plans to play astronauts and journey to Mars (really just the far end of the island). But, Pablo and Jack had the exact same idea. It's a race to see which team can reach Mars first! When trouble strikes, the teams learn that working together might be their best chance to make it back to Earth.

Thursday, September 12th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons/The Watering Hole

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons In order to raise funds for new soccer jerseys, Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and friends decide to set up a lemonade stand. However, they quickly get in over their heads with the making and the serving and the selling - turns out running a stand is hard! But with the help of Jack's soccer expertise, the team figures out a "game plan" and learns that when everyone works together, they can achieve anything. Goal! The Watering Hole Emily Elizabeth is so excited to go swimming in the town pool, but it's not open yet! She passes the time with Clifford by reading a book about animals in the Serengeti. The two of them get inspired to pretend to be those animals with their friends and head to the "watering hole." After a fun afternoon of being animals, the watering hole...er...pool. ..is open for business!

Friday, September 13th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Up Pup and Away!/Abra-Ca-Lifford!

Up Pup and Away! Emily Elizabeth has made a big surprise gift for her Aunt Violet: drawings of all the cherished moments they've shared together folded into paper airplanes. But, when Aunt Violet flies to Birdwell Island, the propellers on her seaplane send all the tiny paper planes scattering! Aboard their Big Red Airplane (Clifford), Violet and Emily Elizabeth go on a search for all the missing planes and make a brand new cherished memory in the process. Abra-Ca-lifford! When Emily Elizabeth's dad shares his old magic set with her and Clifford, the two friends decide to become magicians! As they practice new tricks (with mixed results), Samantha asks Emily Elizabeth to take care of Shelly, her pet hermit crab for the day. But, when Shelly REALLY disappears, Enchanted Emily Elizabeth and The Great Cliffini need to learn how to make her reappear! And fast!

Monday, September 16th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Towel Team Go!/Puppy Preschool

Tuesday, September 17th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Hiccup Pup/Top of the Charts

Hiccup Pup - Emily Elizabeth and Clifford discover that together, they might be able to break the world record for tallest stack of doggy biscuits! There is only one problem: Clifford has the hiccups and keeps knocking down their tower. The pair travel around Birdwell Island trying to get rid of the hiccups with all kinds of silly solutions. Top of the Charts - Emily Elizabeth gets inspired to create her own song--the happiest song in the world. She gets so focused on recruiting band members and instruments that she forgets the most important part of making music--practice!

Wednesday, September 18th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Whale of a Time/Clifford's Museum

Thursday, September 19th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

A Reasonable Eggsplanation/The Special Agents of Birdwell Island

Friday, September 20th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Coming Soon!/Fire Dog Tucker

Coming Soon! Pablo's favorite comic book author was scheduled to visit Birdwell Island, but now she can't make it! Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and friends try to cheer up disappointed Pablo by putting on a performance based on one of his treasured comic books. Soon, a crowd gathers to watch and guess who is in the front row?! Fire Dog Tucker - Tucker has to overcome his fears to pass the Fire Dog Challenge and become an official Fire Dog. With the help of his friends and a book about past fire dogs, Tucker learns that it is OK to be scared, and that you can still be helpful even when you are afraid.

Monday, September 23rd

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Muddy Buds Hit The Suds/Lights, Camera, Clifford!

Muddy Buds Hit the Suds Emily Elizabeth, Clifford and friends are pretending to be racecars in the mud. That is, everyone except Tucker. He doesn't want to get dirty, because he's afraid of the bath that will have to come after! Once his friends realize what he is afraid of, they work together to show him bathing can be fun with a little pretend play. Lights, Camera, Clifford! After Outdoor Movie Night, Samantha is inspired to make a movie of her own. But, she has a hard time doing so when her friends have SO many ideas! Through conversation and compromise, everyone figures out how to work together and make a hit movie to premiere at the next Outdoor Movie Night.

Tuesday, September 24th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Wild Wolf Pack/Putt-Ing It Together

Wednesday, September 25th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Farm Friends/The Big Book Giveaway

Thursday, September 26th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Birdwell Island Blues/The Big Red World

The Birdwell Island Blues Emily Elizabeth's day has started out terribly and she is in a bad mood. Her bad mood causes a chain reaction, and soon almost everyone on the Island is having a bad day. With a little help from Clifford, the friends discover that laughter and kindness spread easily, and soon the bad day has turned into a great one for everybody! The Big Red World When Jack shows his friends his dad's trunk of global travel treasures, the kids are inspired to take a pretend "world tour" around Birdwell Island. They travel to Australia, India and Mexico, but when they get to Italy, Sam feels sad and misses her Italian Nonna, which gives Emily Elizabeth a great idea!

Friday, September 27th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

Dancing by the Book/Tucker's Tooth

Monday, September 30th

6:00am on
Runtime: 00:28:55

The Big Red Tomato/Dogbot

Mount Norma Jack's dad reads to the kids about his old travel buddy, Ravi, who scaled a mountain and chose a name for it. The kids are inspired to pretend to be mountain climbers themselves and scale a "mountain" of their own-the local hill. But, there are many pretend obstacles along the way, and they have to figure out what to name it! Hide and Sneak The friends are playing an epic game of Animal Star Rangers Hide-and-Seek to save the galaxy! When Clifford's size makes playing hide-and-seek difficult, Emily Elizabeth finds a creative way to help him.